Wednesday 16 October 2024

Scilly 24 - Day 6

 No "breaking news" this morning so I had a stroll down to Lower Moors to try for my "Nemesis" YBW. Some seeing "flocks"...but not me. Must try harder. On the way I bumped into the same Tour group I'd seen on previous days, a very pleasant bunch. They'd found some more Firecrests, always worth lingering for. They soon moved on but despite giving it another 30 minutes none were seen well enough to identify, let alone photograph! 

As I was approaching the gate a familiar face was approaching with his Border Collie. It was Viv Stratton. A legend on Scilly who's been visiting the Islands for many years. It was an opportunity to talk to him "one to one" and I spent a VERY pleasant and at times poignant 20 minutes talking Dogs and Birds. Hope he felt the same?! I wished him well and he made his way back to Hugh Town to feed his extremely well trained Dog...

I entered Lower Moors and Birded my way to the unfortunately named Shooters Pool. I figured I may connect with Firecrest or YBW here, as well as having a chance of a few Trip Ticks? A Cetti's Warbler was heard and a Moorhen swam across for a couple of additions. No luck with the target Birds. A Spotted Crake had been reported in the area the previous evening and as I left I caught sight of a fast disappearing small Bird that scurried behind an Island. I mentioned to this to the Birder next to me but the Bird didn't re-appear before I left? I was pretty sure it was the SC.

I made my way to Old Town Bay on the strength of a Kingfisher report. Luck was with me, as within 5 minutes it flew across the bay over the seaweed at low tide! Other birds present were Great White Egret...

and a couple of Greenshanks.

I then returned to Lower Moors and spotted a couple of Swallows on wires nearby...

Then some interesting news...

Spotted Crake at Shooters Pool

...complete with pic! There you go!! I returned but there was no further sign, although a Water Rail showed briefly for another Trip Tick...

I finished off at Porthloo, one of my favourite spots. The afternoon rain had melted away to give a wonderful sunset. I just sat on the bench and enjoyed it, accompanied by a couple of Stonechats... 

and a male Black Redstart. Bliss...

Trip Total - 71 Species

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