Friday 11 October 2024

Scilly 24 - Day 1

2 long days but DEFINITELY worth it!

We left home at 6.30am on Thursday. Gloucester Services (I've not seen a better one) by 11 after negotiating countless sections of restricted speed limits! It seems the "smart" motorways that slowed us all down for years are being dug up again, as there's not enough pull-ins. Funny that, when you remove the hard shoulder!!! You'll still have to hope you roll into one of them, if you break down? Unless I'm missing something!?

We arrived in Hayle at 4pm. To balance the road system observations, the new section of the A30 is superb!

Early start at 6 this morning. We reached Lands End Airport at 7 and were airborne at 8.15...

It was a thankfully clear, still morning and I could see the Islands before we reached cruising altitude! We also had a smooth decent...

We couldn't get into our digs until 2, so we left our gear in the hallway and headed for Porthcressa Bay where the Little Tern had been sighted again! No joy but it was enough for now to know the Bird was still present. A potential Scilly Tick! We chilled out for an hour and I totted up some trip ticks including Mediterranean Gull (4) and Black Redstart, while Louise read. It's amazing what you can pick up through the scope...16 Species. Still no sign of the LT.
After a coffee we headed for the green. As we arrived news of a possible Isabelline Wheatear broke. The Bird was on the Garrison below Star Castle. I left my gear with Louise and started the climb up. A tester after the journey. The view was spectacular...

On arrival I was witness to a three figure crowd enjoying the Bird at leisure. Plenty of room for everyone. Eventually I got some decent pics, albeit fairly distantly (c60yds)...

This was my second for Scilly, having seen the Gugh Bird on the 19th of October 1991 on my first visit. Yes, I am that old! Still, a quality Bird.

I rejoined Louise and we headed for the flat. Just then another message informing me the Little Tern had been seen again in Porthcressa Bay. This time I was unexpected Scilly Tick (248)!!

After settling in we were having a brew when the radio crackled...

BLACK KITE over Telegraph!!!

Now...I've lost a yard or two over the Years BUT it's surprising how quick you can move when motivated! I was down the stairs and back across to the green in fairly quick time. Further directions from the invaluable radio eventually had me on the Bird, heading South and gaining height along the Pine Belt. Another Scilly Tick...(249). This was turning out to be quite a "First Day". As I was about to return to the Flat a Birder passed by on his way to the boat. I'd met him as we'd dropped our gear off first thing. I asked him if he'd seen the Kite and he said he had. He then asked me if I was "Duffbirder". I confirmed that I was and he complimented me on the Blog...which was kind of him. So, I thought I should give Andy Firth from Cheshire a mention! Might see you next Year pal?

After another brew we headed up onto Peninnis. A Greater Short-toed Lark and a Wryneck had been reported. I managed to connect with both...

...I also saw 6 Redwings. I returned to Porthcressa and watched the sunset adding Little Egret. Quite a remarkable opener!!!

Trip List - 35 Species

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