Tuesday 15 October 2024

Scilly 24 - Day 5

Last night confirmation came through that a BLYTH'S PIPIT was present on the wonderful Island of Bryher. A boat had been specially arranged to leave at 11.30, so we decided to make the trip over.

We arrived at the Quay just after 11 but I was surprised to see only a handful of Birders present? As we walked along I noticed a boat full at the far end. It was full! Fortunately a second boat was approaching.

The weather was kind again and we arrived at 11.50 and headed straight for the Fragile Rock Bar for a coffee. I was playing it cool...lol!

As you can see, we were the only visitors present. This is the Site of my 1999 COMMON NIGHTHAWK sighting...I just HAD to give it a mention! Full story in right column...if you haven't seen it already?

We then headed to the other side of the Island near Hell Bay to try for the PIPIT...

Helluva View

A distant group of 9 Swans on Hell Bay pool suggested Whooper but turned out to be Mute... my first. 30 minutes later I was on Site and joined the expectant crowd. They were all looking into a grass field and viewing was difficult. No sign for 30 minutes...then...a radio message to inform everyone it was in the adjacent horse paddock!

Everyone shuffled around the corner and were soon enjoying clear, if distant views of the Bird at the far side. I managed a couple of record shots through the heads...

The Bird soon took off and flew over everyone calling, which was an added bonus!

This is my 3rd record of this Species on these remarkable Islands following on from a Bird on St Mary's in 2006 and a remarkably confiding Bird on Tresco in 2007. It's my 5th in Britain having seen my first at Languard in 1994 and one at Calder Wetlands in Yorkshire in 2014.

On Scilly there's always the chance of an unexpected sighting and this was illustrated once again when a Marsh Harrier flew over Church Quay as we were waiting for the boat back to St Mary's...

Trip Total - 62 Species 

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