Wednesday 23 October 2024

Scilly 24 - Day 13

The landmark 23rd has failed to produce this Year?

Here on Scilly or to be more precise Bryher we had a superb day but not before enjoying brilliant views of a couple of Stonechats at Little Porth whilst waiting for Louise...

On the way to the Harbour I bumped into Martin, another stalwart who I used to Bird with here some 20 years ago. It was great to see him again.

We managed 5+ miles of effort (plus hills) on the Island starting (after a coffee) on Shipman Head Down at the North of the Island...

The target?...a Dotterel. Getting harder and harder to see now on the Mainland or anywhere else for that matter!

On arrival there was only one Birder present...Viv Stratton, with his loyal sheepdog of course. He pointed the Bird out which was motionless some 20 yds away, allowing the opportunity for some nice photos...

Only my second here after one on St Mary's Golf Course in 1997.

Further along the Headland were some wild Barnacle Geese (9). It was interesting to view them in this setting...

After returning to Fraggle Rock for another coffee (has to be done when with the good lady) we headed down to Hell Bay Pool on the strength of a report of 11 Whooper Swans being present. We bumped into Viv again and I had to ask him how long he'd been coming. His answer...SIXTY THREE YEARS! Consecutively!!!  An inspiration to us all as he approaches 80. Lovely man.

Thankfully they were still there on arrival...

The next hour was bliss as I enjoyed watching and photographing these magnificent Birds from a grass bank down to 30 yards!!! Context. They included a family of 5 which is always nice to see. Constantly feeding and calling in the sunshine, it was a privilege to be there which I hope I FULLY appreciated...

I have more BUT were back to the Atlantic tonight for the final time. I'll do this Species full justice on my return home.

Trip Total - 82 Species

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