Saturday 12 October 2024

Scilly 24 - Day 2

Yesterday was going to be a hard act to follow. Still, I'll have a go! I started off at Little Porth, Porthcressa while Louise got ready...

Another cracking Autumn day...

I added Rock Pipit...

...and had amazing views of the lingering and VERY tame Black Redstart...

We...or more accurately I, had decided to visit St Agnes as the sea was calm and the Olive-backed Pipit was still present. Took some time but with the help of James and his "thermal" the bird eventually gave me my best ever views of this elusive Species...

We finally tracked down the lone(ly) Pink-footed Goose (rare here)...

Lunch was the mandatory Pasty in the Turks Head...

The views are breathtaking...

We also paid homage to the ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK (2008) site...

I also added Spotted Flycatcher and Chiffchaff. A touch of late excitement came when a message informed me a Corncrake had been seen...complete with photo. Yet another example of what these Islands can produce. We made our way down Barnaby Lane but met some dejected Birders returning who informed us there had been no further sign...unsurprisingly! Time was tight so we headed for the Quay...

The last hour was spent scoping Porthcressa. I added Pied Wagtail, Little Egret and Curlew. The day belonged to the Pipit though...

Trip Total - 42 Species

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