Tuesday 22 October 2024

Scilly 24 - Day 12

As previously mentioned I'm now on 249 for the Fortunate Isles.

There's a Bird or possibly 2 on St Martin's that would be a nice landmark Species... namely Hen Harrier.

We hadn't been over there for a few years... although I twitched my second ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK there, after connecting with my long anticipated YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO on St Mary's in 2019...in the same day!

Anyway we cruised over there on a VERY slow boat, arriving at 10.45 on yet another superb day.

After a coffee we made our way to what I considered would be a good vantage point. We passed the Post Office so we grabbed a few things for lunch and I asked the owner if she knew such a spot? Her excellent directions had us in place at 11.30...with extensive news to the East and West...

I gave it 3 hours but alas it wasn't to be. Thoroughly enjoyed the Island though, as the scenery was once again stunning...

I realize the daily reports are more views than Birds at the moment but that's because I'm not finding any!!! I did add Raven in my defence.

It was another decent yomp to Lower Town Quay  but we made it and enjoyed yet another stunning view before departing for St Mary's...

3 days left for something special to land. I'm keeping the faith as always.

22 Species seen on the Island.

Trip Total - 81 Species

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