Saturday 26 October 2024

Scilly 24 - Day 16

Writing this on the A30...Louise is driving!

My bonus session started at dawn at Porthloo. 3 Black Redstarts but no sign of the reported Redstarts. Plenty of Waders on the deserted Beach including my first Bar-tailed Godwit, c50 Sanderling, c10 Ringed Plovers, Curlew, and Whimbrel.

Also present were a couple of "Dunlin". A White -rumped Sandpiper had been seen the previous day, so they were worth closer scrutiny. Especially when a Birder appeared next to me saying he'd seen a "white rump"!

The Birds were very active and partly obscured by the large pebbles plus I didn't have my 'scope. He had to leave for the Airport and the Birds flew down the far end of the Bay. He said he'd put news out and I moved on to Lower Moors. I was undecided. I have some distant photos which I'll take a look at on return. There were no further reports.

My last hour was spent around Shooters Pool. Unfortunately there was no sign of the Spotted Crake or the hoped for YBW!

A Common Rosefinch was reported in the allotments near the Dump but my time was up!

Trip Total - 84 Species 

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