Monday 12 March 2018

Cyprus 18 - Day 4

I'd been toying with the idea of having a go for the Wallcreeper in the Avagas Gorge. You may remember I saw 2 thanks to Dave Walker, during a winter trip a few years ago. Always very special.

Louise is having some trouble with her back and decided to have a day around Paphos. Decision made then!

I arrived at the car park at 7.30...

Boots on and "off up the Gorge". This was going to be a tester for my knee! I had more confidence in it now after working hard before the trip. I also had an outstanding surgeon.

The Gorge is worth the walk for the scenery alone. It's definitely a walk in the severe category though....

First sunlight hits the Gorge
A scramble in places...

I just took my time and eventually made it to the correct area after around an hour. It was just over a mile. I guess if your going to stare at rock faces they might as well be as beautiful as these....

The main area were I saw the birds previously was also stunning...

I gave it three hours but it wasn't to be.

A Wren at dawn, belted it out...

Thousands of Jackdaws were present. Also a mixture of Doves, many looking pretty good for pure Rock...

Back to the car and along to the coast for lunch. I scoped another cliff while enjoying the stunning view...

Dave had mentioned previously that they had been seen here. I don't give up easily. No joy though.

I then drove to Evretou. It's a site in the Gosney guide for Long-legged Buzzard. I gave it an hour but no sign. I will return!

I was returning to Paphos to pick the boss up when I saw a large raptor...Bonelli's Eagle!!! Unfortunately by the time I could stop it had disappeared. The bird flew very low by the road and I clearly see the wing pattern in the sunlight. I will return!

So, I didn't see THAT much at all today. However, it was very satisfying to be able to walk the Gorge after nearly 3 months of being laid up.


A flock of 17 Demoiselle Cranes was seen early morning at Akrotiri Salt Lake on Sunday. A pair of Bimaculated Larks have also seen been seen nearby, the last 2 days. We're going to spend the day on the peninsula tomorrow...

Trip Total 54

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