Monday 13 November 2017

Texas 17 - Day 4

I'm writing this...the morning after our long drive back east from Van Horn. We arrived at Kerrville around 10pm last night (Sunday)...

Our day in the Davis Mountains started with a drive south down 90 after a 6am breakfast. Hundreds and I mean hundreds of "Ravens" were active enjoying the 40F in the half-light. The road was usual!

As we passed Valentine the sun was threatening to appear. A few Swainson's Hawks were surveying the scene from the telegraph posts. Not a car in sight for miles. Then another shape on a post. Looks "bigger"? U-turn!

I pulled over on the opposite side of the road.  had a good feeling about this one...especially when the bird took of revealing its enormous wing-span...a pre-dawn flight of a GOLDEN EAGLE...



Note:? This report will have to wait till later now as I'm still having issues with receiving my suitcase...after 6 days! Just found out it's not going to be delivered today!!

Who cares though. I'm birding TEXAS!

Stay tuned...

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