Tuesday 4 February 2020

Signs of Spring?

Snowdrops peeping through and Daffodils trying hard to emerge now. Song Thrushes and Great Tits singing. How am I doin'?

Nice last hour yesterday after a needless trip back to Birmingham to sort the car out. 30 Fieldfares on Snakey Lane plus 22 RTD's of Seaside in a tight raft. Then a large white moth (Barn Owl) in the paddock behind the Cottage (first here for quite some time). Hope Springs eternal (see what I did there?).

More Gull controversy in Gloucestershire. A possible BLACK-TAILED GULL videoed at Newnham on the Severn Estuary. Some now suggesting LBB Gull? Who knows...I don't!

Very windy today but better forecast tomorrow and Thursday. Hoping to add a few Year ticks on foot...

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