Friday 14 September 2018

The Wild Geese

Love Wildfowl.

The sight and sound of a skein of Pinkfeet passing overhead is one of the great sights (and sounds) in Birding...for me.

I spent the morning hoping to experience this phenomenon...alas, it wasn't my lucky day. Birds were seen further North...and South! I did find a couple of Wheatears in a 2 mile walk from the Sewage...

I spent an hour down at Spurn late afternoon looking in vain for the Rosefinch. However, I did manage 3 Yellow Wagtails and another Wheatear. During my search I bumped into another Birder who pointed out a bird resting in a field...

Pink-footed Goose (P.154, S.114)
I did see one after all! Maybe a skein tomorrow?

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