Thursday, 6 March 2025

Spring forward

Hibernation over for another Winter! Weather set fair (at least till Friday). Light beyond 6 now, which makes a BIG difference. 

So Tuesday meant another trip to NDC, which is prolonged at the moment due to the various roadworks. It's worth the wait though.

I arrived at 10 and headed for the platform with my pal. Bright sunshine with little wind and little activity... unfortunately. A singing Skylark and a male Reed Bunting. On the way back to the car park I noticed a couple of Pink-footed Geese on the riverbank with the commoner Geese...

Much pairing occurring

It was unusual to see PFG so close here...

We made our way to the Hide. Once settled, I started to enjoy the view once more...

I was curious to see if the Egyptian Geese were still around? I scanned down the river to the far end but I couldn't see any. The Goldfinch flock remained faithful to the area and it was pleasing to see the pair of Goldeneye happily feeding. The lower water level was to the liking of the Waders with c200 Dunlin, c150 Golden Plover, c100 Lapwing, 15 Redshank and 3 Curlew. Then I spotted the pair of EG. They were feeding on the far bank of the River, some 400 yards from the hide. I then noticed a couple of barges approaching... 

It was obvious they were going to flush the Geese and I was hoping they might come onto the Carrs...


More evidence of Spring in the Air!

I watched them for a while then started to look elsewhere. When I checked them again...


This is the first occasion I've seen this Species actually ON the Reserve. After around 15 minutes 3 left for Bubwith, followed shortly afterwards by the other 2...

It was nice to see a decent flock of Golden Plover lingering on and around the Reserve...

Water Rail (69) and Skylark (70) were added.


Yesterday provided a welcome surprise locally as I returned with the provisions from Tesco. As I got out of the car (with my flash card in hand) I looked up to see a Red Kite (43) floating over the field opposite! By the time I'd re-inserted the said card the Bird had drifted away. came back...

A grab into the Sun but there it is. My 5th record for the Village and the second from the Cottage. Still scarce out here. A couple of Greenfinches (44) in the hedge was an added bonus. I also added Reed Bunting (45) later with c4 Birds in Stubble by Snakey Lane...

A Car Window view!

Back to Duff tomorrow...

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