Friday, 7 March 2025

NDC - Helluva Morning!

Prized myself out of the sack at 5.45 yesterday morning and left at 6.15. Slow going through the traffic restrictions but I eventually arrived at the car park at 8.15 to be greeted by Haydn. We headed for the Hide. As we approached Haydn picked up a Treecreeper (71). Then more interest, as a large flock of Whooper Swans came in from the East. Unfortunately we were still behind the screen so our view was restricted. Once in the Hide we counted 80 Birds. We decided they had almost certainly been flushed off the Farm across the road.

Once settled we started to scan and it turned out there was PLENTY to look at! We immediately picked up a large flock of Golden Plover, always a delight to see...

The Dunlin flock was substantial and we estimated 300! As we were admiring them Haydn picked up something rather special heading our way. Black-tailed Godwits...lots of them! Fortunately they landed straight out from the Hide at around 150 yards...

They stayed for around 15 minutes before being flushed by a Marsh Harrier...

They relocated to the far western edge...unfortunately. We did have time to count them though...ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY!!! Checking my records this was my largest ever flock after a spectacular sp flock of 130 on 26/4/99. They eventually left in groups to the North around 11. A memorable event indeed! Shortly afterwards a couple of Oystercatchers arrived from the East and landed on the Bund to preen briefly before returning over the River to Bubwith Ings.

Mixed flock incoming

Seeing Red-legged Partridges out on the Bund was unusual...

We were discussing what might be the next you do as we enter March. I mentioned Coot (72) and Lesser Black-backed Gull (73). Both were seen in the next 10 minutes. I've just bought a lottery ticket!

There was almost constant aerial action in superb conditions. Next Geese in from the East, a quick check revealed a couple of Egyptian among them...

Final addition was a Little Egret (74) in front of Garganey Hide. Quite a 3 hours of my best I reckon. We both really enjoyed it. The Carrs is looking Prime at the moment.

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