Once settled we started to scan and it turned out there was PLENTY to look at! We immediately picked up a large flock of Golden Plover, always a delight to see...
The Dunlin flock was substantial and we estimated 300! As we were admiring them Haydn picked up something rather special heading our way. Black-tailed Godwits...lots of them! Fortunately they landed straight out from the Hide at around 150 yards...
They stayed for around 15 minutes before being flushed by a Marsh Harrier...
They relocated to the far western edge...unfortunately. We did have time to count them though...ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY!!! Checking my records this was my largest ever flock after a spectacular sp flock of 130 on 26/4/99. They eventually left in groups to the North around 11. A memorable event indeed! Shortly afterwards a couple of Oystercatchers arrived from the East and landed on the Bund to preen briefly before returning over the River to Bubwith Ings.
Mixed flock incoming |
Seeing Red-legged Partridges out on the Bund was unusual...
We were discussing what might be the next arrival...as you do as we enter March. I mentioned Coot (72) and Lesser Black-backed Gull (73). Both were seen in the next 10 minutes. I've just bought a lottery ticket!
There was almost constant aerial action in superb conditions. Next Geese in from the East, a quick check revealed a couple of Egyptian among them...
Final addition was a Little Egret (74) in front of Garganey Hide. Quite a 3 hours that...one of my best I reckon. We both really enjoyed it. The Carrs is looking Prime at the moment.
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