Friday, 28 March 2025

Cyprus 25 - Day 13


Checked out of our Hotel now as we prepare to make the journey back to Paphos. We love the place and it's ideally situated for Birding the area South of the Airport. Unfortunately this year it was inundated with Italian students doing what Students do...make noise! This meant sleep was limited the past few nights. Never mind.

I had an hour down at the Sewage Works Hide before breakfast on the strength of news of a flock of Avocets (scarce here) flying around and a Whiskered Tern through. No sign of either but 21 Common Shelduck dropped in for a drink briefly. They were only present 5 minutes! I also added Common Sandpiper to the Trip List.

I've just returned do Bird the area before we leave. I'm going to have another crack at Kivisili for Lesser Kestrel on the way back. I've just cleaned my optics!


Just had a magical couple of hours at Kivisili. I definitely DIDN'T see any on Tuesday BUT boy did I see some this afternoon!!! Great fun driving slowly around the deserted roads enjoying them hunting and perching on the wires. Common Kestrels were also present and the females were least for me. At one time I counted FIFTEEN birds in close proximity. The LK had almost certainly just arrived. This is backed up by a report of EIGHT coming "in off" at Cape Greco this morning!

I also had cracking views of a Long-legged Buzzard with a Marsh Harrier for size comparison.

I'm writing this on my phone as we travel back to Paphos. I have photos but it won't be possible to post anything tonight as we're going out for a meal. After all the Birding takes priority, doesn't it? After Louise of course!

Trip Total - 109 Species 

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