Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Cyprus 25 - Day 4

Stormy weather today, more like England! Have to say...quiet...very quiet. Still, that's how it goes. There's always something to look at or try for though.

The Day started promisingly with a report of a Rose-coloured Starling at Mandria. That was enough to set the wheels in motion. I left around 8 and headed down the Motorway the short distance to the junction. Then, a phone call from Ian Bloomer. We'd arranged to borrow a couple of folding chairs and a cool box off them. After sorting out the directions I arrived in Anarita around 8.30. It was great to see him and his wife Kate again and we chatted a while before they had to go.

I carried on to Mandria and messaged the Birder who'd reported the RCS. Turned out it was the same chap I'd given directions to for the Finsch's Wheatear! The Birding World is small. He told me it was an immature Bird and he hadn't seen it again. I headed for Anarita Park.

I drove the tracks slowly as the weather closed in. I saw my first Great Tit but couldn't locate any Little Owls at a couple of regular spots. I then scanned the hillside by the Goat Farm. Bingo...

Female Blue Rock Thrush

I'd seen a male in the same area last Year!

It started to rain heavily so I returned to base. After a visit to Lidl I asked  Louise if she wanted to go out, although I already knew the answer! It was still raining but I had a drive down to the Stone Curlew Site to see if Birds were still in residence...

A remarkable situation in that a small field surrounded by human habitation can host a decent number of these remarkable Birds! The camouflage was impressive and they would easily be overlooked...

Really chuffed to connect with these elusive Birds.

It was now time for my first visit to Agia Varvara, a popular spot with Birders both resident and visiting. I had a drive round and noticed the landscape had changed somewhat from my last visit. I was VERY pleased to see I could drive the car along the sides of the pools, allowing me views I didn't think I was going to get this Year...

The rain had brought large numbers of Swallows down and I was pleased to pick out a Sand Martin. I also added Moorhen and Sedge Warbler. This Site is good for Crakes but I didn't see any on this visit. I will return!

As I was leaving I saw a couple of fast disappearing Chukars...

A through the Windscreen job

I also passed a field that was covered in White Wagtails (c100)...

I also had a brief view of a Serin.

Then a message...

600+ Yellow Wagtails at Mandria!!!

It was now approaching 5.30 but I wasn't far away, so I gave it a go. I didn't see any!?

I AM making the Trip to Larnaca tomorrow regardless of the weather...after dropping Louise off at the Limassol Mall of course!

Trip Total - 50 Species

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