Monday, 17 March 2025

Cyprus 25 - Day 2

Head for the Hills..or Mountain to be more precise! The Troodos range covers most of Western Cyprus and peaks with Mount Olympus at 1,952 meters...or 6,437 feet in old money. It was another relatively hot day in Paphos and we left relatively early for Kidasi where a VERY special Target Bird was hopefully lingering. It's a Winter visitor to Cyprus and departs around this time. I first saw this Species here 10 years ago during a one week December visit. I joined the Bird Group which included Ian and Kate Bloomer and we headed for the Valley I was to visit this morning. I must have treid at least 6 times since at various spots including here without success. My hopes weren't high today as the high temperatures could possibly have made them moe on...if they were there at all!?

We stopped off at the traditional Extreme View Cafe for a coffee and probably the earliest piece of Cheesecake I'd ever had. Very nice though! We arrived at the Valley around 10 and started to drive the decent track up the Valley. Memories came flooding back from previous visits and we parked the car at the top end to enjoy the view. I started to scan and Louise started to do her puzzles. For the unfamiliar this is a striking black and white Wheatear with white stretching down its back.

Nothing much was seen except for the local Jackdaw flock. I kept scanning the isolated rocks, posts and path. It wasn't looking good...until...a flask of Black and White through the windscreen. Could it be...or was it a "fresh in" Cyprus Wheatear? I then noticed the white back. YES!!!

Of course, the Bird flew waaay down the Valley before I could prize myself out of the car! I waited...and Louise puzzled. 30 minutes passed with no further sign. Then...there it was perched on a rock some 70 yards away...

Stunner in the Sun

A special moment indeed!

The Bird was active and wide ranging but I managed a few more images in the next 45 minutes before we headed for Troodos...

Job done.

We arrived at Troodos after a brief visit to the Platres Trout Farm to try for Grey Wagtail...

and Wren for the Trip List. As we approached the Site I saw a "fresh in" Cyprus Wheatear on the road.

It was lunch time in the Ben Nevis Cafe where I had a late Breakfast and Louise had Apple Pie!! The afternoon session was fairly quiet but somehow it didn't matter after the elation of the morning. I added Coal Tit, Jay, Hoopoe (a surprise to me)...

In deep shade

...Blackbird and Common Swift (c30). I tried to turn one/some into Pallid...but I couldn't! There was no sign of any House or Crag Martins at the Mine Overlook to the East of Troodos.

Trip Total - 32 Species

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