Sunday, 9 March 2025


 All of a sudden they're here! Time of Year and Weather.

Definitely helps with motivation, although I do try to burst through the gloom! A nice run down Snakey this morning in glorious sunshine, birds immediately apparent in hedges, trees and on wires. Wonderful!!!

I guess we all become a tad blase about Birds we see locally on a fairly regular basis...don't we? I try really hard not too and try to fully appreciate some of the "local" Species I'm fortunate enough to see around the Village and immediate area. 

Like this beauty...

My first "singer" of the Year

...then another...

really are stunners. They are well represented on Snakey Lane.

I continued. As I approached the Western end thoughts turned to Corn Bunting. I didn't see any last year? I looked in the tops of the isolated trees by the roadside where I usually see them, hoping for a result without much conviction. There was a solitary bird high in the top of the first tree. Could it be?...

Oh Yes! (46)

So pleasing to see the return of this Species.

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