Saturday, 1 March 2025

Back Home

Had a cruise around the Village yesterday afternoon to check out a few spots and possibly lingering Birds. Last day of February... thankfully! 

The Weather was set fair with glorious sunshine and little wind.

I started in the South at Cliff Farm. As I drove up the track I was greeted by a pair of pristine Oystercatchers (40) feeding on the grass...


An excellent start. I spent a good hour up there but the only "action" on the sea was half-a-dozen RTD...

Next, I checked for Little Owl and sure enough it was in residence...

Onto "our Pool" to see if our Rarity was still present...

I also had a sighting of a Fox which is rare here.

Snakey Lane opened with 6 dapper Yellowhammers glistening in the sunshine followed by a pair of RLP at the Western end...

On the return leg a flock of c50 Fieldfares was a nice surprise. A couple of Barn Owls perform well as the sun set. I then added a third on the way back from Tesco!

All within 3 miles of home.

This morning produced my first Skylarks (41) jousting for partners and a brief blast from a Song Thrush (42).