Saturday 14 September 2024

PFG on the way

Still waiting for my first squadron of Pink-footed Geese. They'll be worth waiting always. Had an hour on the bench on Seaside this morning looking North to no avail. The area is looking a picture now the crops have been collected. Golden fields in crisp Autumn sunshine

The male Redstart duo have lingered for some time...

At Dusk

...but no sign today. I did have a couple of visitors to the Bird Bath...


Decent images through the double glazing!

I've done some Birding on the Humber this week checking out few spots. Highlights were Great White Egret 

and my first Brent Geese (4) of the Autumn...

2 Marsh Harriers performed well, if distantly...

Thursday evening there was a decent passage of Sooty Shearwaters North past Spurn. I had an hour but they must have passed further usual! An Arctic Skua close in was nice...

Time for another scan of the joy.

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