Monday 31 August 2015

Black Stork...postscript

Paid a few visits down to Old Hall yesterday but no sign of the BS. No reports neither so presumed gone. Last report I heard was of it flying South from Stone Creek at 10.25. I know it's been around for a while but that shouldn't diminish it's status, it's still a VERY rare bird.

On the way down Wheatears were still in evidence, I saw at least 5 including 3 together. Here's 2 of them...

Then on the plough...

then by the roadside...

Marsh Harriers are regular around the area but hard to get near...

On one of my visits to the BS drain I noticed a large dark bird (thought it was the Stork initially) tucked into the grass at the side. It was a Marsh Harrier, again feeding on crabs!

Some consolation.

Have a safe gave me a lot of pleasure...

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