Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Ring Ouzel

I'd tried a few times for the bird at Sammy's, once with Phil but it just didn't want to play. The inclement weather did play it's part...as usual!

Anyway, today the weather was cold but still and sunny so I thought I'd give it another go. I multi-tasked as I often do. Bud's ball in one hand and bins in the other. He tore up and down the flood bank while I scanned the first paddock. On my visit with Phil we didn't see a bird, so a couple of Fieldfares and a Redwing were encouraging. Then a few Blackbirds (5). Another "Blackbird" perched in a distant bush...

Ring Ouzel (P.49)
The bird was around 70yds away and I could now hear it calling. I spent a good hour with the bird and it was in view the whole time, although keeping it's distance...

Definitely a bonus winter addition.

Weather set fair for tomorrow so it's over to NDC...

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