Friday 19 July 2024

Spurn - July Triple!!!


A fine view looking North towards Withernsea. Just for the record!!!

Birders are already talking about Autumn "Birdwise" BUT hang on, we haven't had any Summer yet!!!

News that the Humpback Whale and calf had been seen again off Easington Gas Terminal yesterday after noon had me heading down there around 2. They had been touring the East Coast from Flamborough to Spurn for a while now but I hadn't managed a view. Alas I didn't connect but the Sea was full of Birds!!!

I had a wonderful hour enjoying the Sunshine...yes...Sunshine, while scanning through the plentiful  GannetsGulls, TernsWaders and Auks. A single Puffin was a big surprise! Looking East in the afternoon helped!

I also tried Cliff Farm but still no sign of the Whales. I did add Mediterranean Gull, Little Tern, and Razorbill to the Year List.


Whilst enjoying the Cricket/ Golf Combo...a message on the Spurn WhatsApp...

14.17: Pratincole Wetlands

Short and simple BUT significant. Had to be the Black-winged from Finningley. As I was heading down the road I was reflecting on the Border shenanigans earlier in the Month! This time there was no doubt about the authenticity. Also this would possibly be my 3rd Spurn Tick in 15 days. Remarkable!

Anyway, first things first. I arrived to discover the Bird had flown South. What to do? I waited 45 minutes but no further sign had me heading back home....briefly...

16.01: Black-winged Pratincole back on Wetlands briefly but flew towards Sammy's

As I was driving down Easington stright I could see 3 Birders on Long Bank looking...interested. I couldn't safely stop so I continued to the car park. Turned out they had the Bird but it was dropping onto the Wetlands as I passed. Could I have seen it?

I walked from the car park towards the Hide but I could see a small group watching from the gate. Mick Turton was one of the said group. Conversations confirmed it had indeed landed on the Wetland but was out of view in the channel behind the Little Egrets...

Again, looking East helped but the length of the wait was obviously unknown. I'd seen Jayne in the Village on the way down and she was now present with around 8 others. Birders were positioned in the Hide and on the Bank separating the Wetlands from Beacon Ponds...

Radios meant that the Bird would be "flagged" the moment it flew. After a wait of around 45 minutes...we had the Bird. It did a couple of brief low flights in a small area around the Egrets. Good enough and long enough to confirm the ID. It never ceases to amaze me how many Birds end up funneling through Spurn!?

Eventually it took to the skies and flew around the area taking in the area to the South as well as Beacon Ponds. It never came close but I managed a record shot of the Bird way up high beyond the Hide...

Other Species enjoyed while waiting...


Great White Egret...



Mediterranean Gull


3/7     Least Sandpiper

14/7   Gull-billed Tern

18/7   Black-winged Pratincole

A quality trio in anybodies book.

Spurn Life: 324

Moving out here 13 Years ago meant that I would be handily placed to "Cherry Pick" this Rarity "Hotspot". The last couple of weeks have emphasized this theory in spades. 

However, it's not rocket!

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