Tuesday 19 March 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 6

I decided to have another crack for a possible lingering Finsch's Wheatear...a wintering Species in Cyprus. Checking eBird (which is down for a couple of days now) I saw a Birder had a male at Foinikas, the abandoned Village on March 21st, 2022. So there was still hope, besides this would 
be a new location for me.

I arrived at 8.30 with the help of the invaluable Google Maps, which even directed me down the tracks to the North end of the Reservoir...impressive! I parked the car a t the start of the "hairy bit" and started to walk the remaining Mile or so to the Village. The views were stunning...

Looking South over Asprokremmos Reservoir with the Village in the foreground

It was worth the effort just for this view!!!

Another surprise Robin record as I set off, was an excellent start. I could here a Great Spotted Cuckoo (75) but couldn't see it? Then one flew across the path some 200 yds further South. As I reached the spot I started to search for the Bird and fortunately I found it...

Flushed with success I carried on to the Village...

First sighting...

An almost expected Black Redstart!

Nice to see what seems to be a true Rock Dove...

As I was climbing one of the steep paths I failed to notice three small Birds in a bush in front of me. Again, fortunately they landed nearby...

Cretzschmar's Bunting (76)

I scanned the Reservoir and noted 7 Cormorants and 3 Grey Herons...then...

Great White Egret (77)

I searched the entire area for a good hour but couldn't find a FW...

Happy to have tried the two Sites and definitely enjoyed the visits. As I was nearly back at the car I noticed a couple of Swallows, no big deal, until I saw they had Red-rumps! The flight was noticeably different also. I watched them for a while and noticed they seemed to drop down near a small pool on occasion...

The next 30 minutes I was treated to repeated passes and landings, as they gathered mud for their nest...a series of snaps (click the pic for a larger view.)...

Crown stripe?

...and away...

A fabulous experience in beautiful surroundings.

After a rest and some lunch we headed for Mandria for the last few hours. It was a tad breezy but Louise secured the table behind the bush at the Beach Bar...so all was well for a cruise around the Village! It felt quiet and it was, BUT as you know, there's always possibilities? I found a single Isabelline and Northern Wheatear near the picnic area, both males. I tried a few of the farm tracks and finally it paid off. The Cyprus "Partridges" namely Chukar and Black Francolin can be difficult to get close too. Today my luck was in with the latter...

Rather chuffed with this one!!

The final moment consisted of two Alpine Swifts (78) scything over Mandria Gardens as I had a quick look at the Pools...

The Green Sandpiper continued.

Trip Total - 78 Species

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