Monday 16 March 2015

Local Break

Apologies for interrupting my riveting Mallorca review but I managed to get out for the last hour tonight. A consequence of an early finish and more daylight.

I was tempted down to Kilnsea by a report of a SEO. As usual the journey had a dual purpose and Bud enjoyed his exercise on Long Bank while I scanned the area. No joy by 5.30 and the light had all but gone due to the thick cloud. Then I saw a movement over Kilnsea Wetlands, it was the Owl! (P.76, S.47). I drove down to the car park but the bird wasn't showing. It then appeared and flew across the road towards the Humber...

No sooner had the bird drifted off than a Peregrine (P.77, S.48) flew swiftly north through the gloom...

I turned round to get in the car and a Barn Owl (S.49) drifted distantly towards Beacon Ponds. 3 Spurn year ticks in 5 minutes! Well worth the trip. Maybe I deserved the luck?

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