Hence my latest visit on Thursday. I arrived at 8 to see that Haydn was already in situ. We made our way out to the Platform and gave it an hour. No luck with the Willow Tit but we enjoyed regular passes of groups of Whooper Swans flying low from Ellerton to the Farm over the road. MAGIC!!!
We headed for the shelter of the GSH.
There was a lone Whooper present on the Carrs but the remainder were distant on Ellerton Ings. However they were still commuting to the Farm...
We estimated around 80 Birds. Goldeneye had risen to 7. The pair of Stonechats are remaining loyal to the Scrape.
Another indicator of Spring appeared in the form of a mobile trio of Oystercatchers...
Curlew was also added. Three Marsh Harriers playing together was a fine sight as was the pair of Red Kites. All gave relatively close views.
I stuck it out till 1, then the East Wind won...
Year Total - 64 Species
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