Wednesday, 5 February 2025


After the excitement of a Village Tick further interest was provided by the appearance on Sunday of a stunning flock of Pink-footed Geese. I nearly missed them; it was only the old "final look" that had me discovering them to the South of the Village viewed from the now (unfortunately) old Cliff Farm site. Initially, they blended in perfectly with the plough...until someone turned the lights on...

Monday found me over at the Water Meadow. Fortunately the level had dropped, still a tad high for my liking and optimum conditions...but it was still a fine sight...

I picked up an immediate Year Tick in the form of an adult Great Black-backed Gull on the Riverbank...

Taken from the Platform

Checking through the limited Swans revealed a lone Whooper...

...eventually chased off by a territorial Mute in full attack mode! The male then joined its partner on the scrape, no doubt the beginnings of a breeding attempt...

A pleasant 4 hour watch with Long-tailed Tit also added, otherwise quiet.

Yesterday I checked on the Geese in the Village and fortunately they were still present. They were nearer the road but as I drove down from Out Newton they took off! However it did allow me the opportunity to get some flight shots. The aspect was favourable and they looked great swirling over the Village...

Finally settling back down, this time further away from the road unfortunately...

They were still there late morning but had moved on by mid-afternoon. So glad they stopped by!

A few images taken locally recently...



Red-legged Partridge

Little Owl

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