Saturday 13 July 2013

Texas 13 - Rio Grande Valley

Down by the Rio Grande on the Mexican border lies an area full of great birds and potential rarities. I've  been fortunate to go there on many occasions but I still get a buzz from every visit. My favourite reserve is Santa Ana (what a great name, they have so many). Even though it is the smallest refuge in the country (it's still a decent size by our standards!) it's the position that is key, allowing it to act as a magnet to migrating birds and to attract strays from Mexico and further south.

A nice introduction was this Black and White Warbler by the entrance gate...

Then, a singing Long-billed Thrasher...

Followed by an Altamira Oriole trying to hide behind a branch...

Many, many more but don't want to overdo it!

Next, out west to Big Bend...

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