Friday, 20 December 2013

Can't get enough

Some amusing tongue-in-cheek stuff on the forums...but it has to be said this is probably a once in a generation/lifetime event in Yorkshire. I admit I'm not a Gull fanatic but this is no ordinary Gull. Another example of a VERY tame bird from far afield. Love the way it floats around with a distinctive jizz...feather-like?

So, after finishing my (very) early shift I went to see it yet again! I was hoping for some more flight shots rather than fish eating ones! The sun tried to break through but was soon swallowed up by increasing cloud. A new development (at least for me) was it's decision to land on the Pumping station roof...

The best flight shot I managed...

Bumped into Barry Bishop on the way back to the car. Glad you managed to see it after a tense week of waiting (and hoping) pal!

REALLY hope it stays for the Weekend chaps and doesn't become another in the long line of Friday departures!

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