Starting to get downhearted? Not a bit of it. I'm here, in the game and still 4 more days to go!
Things started well today when I returned to Carn Gwarval first thing to try and get a peep at the Barred Warbler. It was windy, very windy but the area concerned was reasonably sheltered. I had the site to myself but after 30 minutes I hadn't seen it. A mature lady birder turned up and she commented on the strength of the wind and the limited chances of seeing it. She started to wander off down the lane when she shouted "here it is!" She was right...
A fine, uplifting sight. Chuffed to get an image of a very elusive and fast moving bird. After returning to the flat to pick up the now fully titivated partner we walked down to Old Town bay. I stopped off at the dump clump were I bumped into Viv Stratton, a veteran of Scilly and west country birding. We had a chat over the Scilly/Shetland debate. Interesting stuff but with no real conclusion! Great to see him...nice bloke.
When we reached Old Town I checked out the Churchyard while Louise read on a bench with a friend for company. Scilly Song Thrushes have to be the tamest...
Great birds |
Nice Little Egret in the bay...
and a dapper Heron...
As we moved on towards the airport we noticed Old Town cafe was open. This is the first year since we got together it has been open during our visit. A nice surprise indeed!
After lunch I spent some time in Lower Moors looking for the Jack Snipe. I couldn't find it but there were a couple of Common...
A fine Greenshank was showing well...
Despite giving it a good hour all I could muster was 3 Chiffchaffs! You could say things were...quiet. The wind was still strong so I suggested to the boss that she might want a little shopping fix. She unsurprisingly agreed and I headed off for...
This famed site has produced some great birds over the years...I've never seen anything was no different as I couldn't locate the R.B.Fly seen over previous days. As I was searching Alan Hannington wandered past and told me a Great Northern Diver was showing off Morning Point. I arrived to find a handful of hopefuls looking out to sea. The sea was obviously rough which made viewing difficult. One chap gave me a clue which direction to look and after a short time I connected...
summer plumage |
Again, the camera did well. This bird was a good 800yds out. A handy tool for record shots. Other interest was provided by another Med' Gull...
A final bonus came in the form of a Kittiwake which I managed to pick out amongst the Black-headeds
Couldn't resist another panorama from the Garrison over Hugh Town and beyond...
Trip total...59
St Agnes tomorrow. Hope they've got some pasties at the Turks Head!