Monday 5 December 2016


I HAD to try again!
I left McAllen at 5am to make the 167 mile drive back to Laredo. the weather forecast was grim and unfortunately it proved correct as I drove through the heaviest rain I have ever encountered. This made my arrival time later than anticipated at around 8. At least I knew where to go!
I got my wet weather gear on and made the walk towards the waterfall. As I approached the path I saw 2 birders walking with intent along the path. they informed me they'd just seen it by the river and it had flown this way! First thought...if I'd have made it for dawn I'd probably have seen it.
I introduced myself to Roger (Woodruff) and Matt (Grube) and a lady from Maine (Marion). Fortunately as we were talking we picked it up again by the waterfall...which was now a raging torrent!
The light was very poor but the image turned out OK...and who cares...I'd seen it!!!
To do justice to this landmark sighting I've decided to hit the hay and finish my write up tomorrow. Just to say the trip has already been a major success and anything else will be a bonus. Time to slow down now...

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