Tuesday 24 June 2014

Breeding birds

Always a sensitive subject!

Disturbance is a major issue. In an ideal world (which this certainly isn't) birds would be left undisturbed to try and top-up their ever dwindling numbers. It's not just disturbance...see below. I qualify this by stating there are some notable success stories out there and I certainly don't want to linger on the many negatives that you read about in the media.

To back this up I'd like to report that I've now found 2 sites with breeding LBB Gulls. Both have young at the present time. Strangely, I'm not a larophile (a Gull enthusiast apparently) although there are some wonderful species of Gull. I certainly don't spend hours grilling large flocks for something "good". I DO however like Lesser black-backed Gulls. Why? I've no idea!! Well, maybe I have a slight inkling...

I find them dominant yet graceful compared to Herring Gull...

They regularly scatter this species when adjacent to their nest site. They are easy to overlook and are very scarce breeders in this area. I also monitor a pair in the street were I work. I actually saw 4 adults together there yesterday?

The site in Hull is on an industrial estate (I don't think that's giving too much away). I'd suspected breeding  and I confirmed this yesterday as I spent an enjoyable hour there watching them. 2 young were seen albeit briefly...

The adults are more impressive...

I've belatedly decided to tag on this item regarding Chris Packham's recent visit to Malta to protest against the slaughter of migrating birds. After all it IS another extremely significant factor regarding the diminishing number of birds. This article illustrates the problem far better than I ever could. You may or may not be aware of this...you are now!

Please support him...

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