Wednesday 21 September 2011

Local/National Stuff

2 cc Marsh Harriers still being seen regularly down North Duffield Grasslands! a supporting cast of Buzzards.

The MEGAS just keep on coming. 3 birds now available that I need. If only I didn't work...but then I'd have no money!!! I'm tempted by the WATERTHRUSH but the LONG-TOED STINT would win...if it stays? SWAINSON'S will have to wait till October...on Scilly!


Paul said...

The stint is the one I need but just can't seem to get the enthusiasm for it at the moment, even though there hasn't been one for 29 years and that was 2 years before I started birding.

Alan Whitehead said...

Agreed Paul. Gone now anyway. Distant views of tiny bird? SANDHILL CRANE much BIGGER!!!
I'm going Saturday if still present. Do you need it...I've got a spare place?