Saturday, 22 March 2025

Cyprus 25 - Day 7

Just got back from Cape Greco...

News of a CRIMSON-WINGED FINCH yesterday had me considering an attempt and the urge built during the day. Not just a Cyprus Tick but a Lifer!!

I considered a dawn arrival but that would have meant a 3am departure which wasn't going to happen, especially on holiday. I left at 5.30, arriving just before 8. As I made my way carefully in the car over some dodgy rutted tracks I noticed a car infront of me. I pulled up alongside and blow me down it was Steve Webb and his Wife who live the next Village to me!!! The Birding World......

After sharing the joke we continued negotiating the tracks and eventually ended up at the PIN which Peter Bromley had posted yesterday. As we got out of our cars it was disappointing to see Hunters training their dogs. Also there were nets up which initially we thought were trappers. Not a great start.

A message had informed us the Bird was still present but we couldn't see anyone else? We decided to have a walk around. I grabbed my crutch!

We covered a fair area...

...and saw Ruppells, Spectacled, Cyprus...

...and Sardinian Warblers. We also saw Cyprus...

and Isabelline Wheatears...

No sign of the Finch though. Around 10 I bumped into one of the "trappers" who turned out to be a ringer from the university! This was good news but slightly tainted when he told me they'd seen it briefly earlier! We continued our vigil.

Bird activity dropped of by Noon with very little seen. I had a couple of further conversations with Andy Rollie (of DIDERIK CUCKOO fame) and Nick Brooks (the finder). Steve decided to explore other areas and I stuck it out till 3 before heading back. I did have a brief search for the lingering Isabelline type Shrike around the car park but no joy either. I did see a lone Alpine Swift for the Trip List and another Red-rumped Swallow.

Obviously disappointed after putting the effort in. My only consolation being I don't think I would have connected if I'd gone for dawn, due to the confusing circumstances. That's what I'm telling myself anyway! Can't win 'em all and I was due a dip after the DIDERIK CUCKOOASIAN DESERT WARBLER and BAR-TAILED LARK.

Trip Total - 76 Species

Friday, 21 March 2025

Cyprus 25 - Day 6

Friday started at Asprokremmos Dam, my first visit...

An impressive sight I think you'd agree. I checked out the enormous reservoir with my bins and eventually picked out a couple of specks in the far distance that turned out to be the Species I was looking for...

Great Crested Grebes

One of SIX Hoopoes in the car park area...

I then dropped down to Mandria to search for the reported Tawny Pipit, a bird I've always liked and haven't seen that many of. I gave it an hour searching the bowl and surrounding tracks but I couldn't find it. However significant compensation was found when this little chap materialized right at the side of my car...

It was walking around on the sand, picking away at insects with no water in sight!

After lunch we returned to the Sewage Works (how romantic). I wanted to check out the ploughed field. Sure enough they had tiller it fine and it now looks ideal habitat for the coming weeks.I could now see 12 Spur-winged Plovers...clearly! Unfortunately the first pool was now dry as the Tractor was no longer there. More luck at the second though, which still has water and produced a Trip Tick...

Nice comparison

Another Site worth repeat visits.

We finished off back at Mandria. Unfortunately the Beach Bar was closed due to low temperature (for here) but Louise sat on a sheltered spot and did her puzzles while I had another look around the area. 

A potato field was being harvested giving yet more improved habit for tired migrants. After around an hour I'd covered a multitude of tracks with no significant sightings. I then saw a movement at the side of the car...

I'd found it!!! This Species goes into the "you should see but could easily not see" catagory!
Luck or earned? Whichever, I was elated with this find/re-find. I spent a wonderful 15 minutes with this cracking Bird before returning to the Beach Bar...

As we left I noticed a cloud of Birds in the field to my right. More Yellow Wagtails... hundreds of them! I never tire of this spectacle. The day was finished off nicely when a Quail decided to "whet-its-lips" on departure.

Trip Total - 71 Species

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Cyprus 25 - Day 5

The "unsettled spell" continues. This meant another trip to the Mall for the good lady. This time though, it was going to be My Mall at Limassol.

We had an easy start and left at 9. As we entered the A6 (the excellent arterial dual carriageway across the Island)...a message that the Yellow Wagtail flock was still present. I bravely mentioned it to Louise and 15 minutes later we were in Mandria...I chose well!

However, after last nighs blank I needed some precise directions. I messaged David Bradnum again and he kindly sent me a "pin". When we reached the spot, I could see a large weedy field on one side and an orchard on the other. No Birds.

Aware that the Mall was waiting (you know how it is chaps) I asked for 15 minutes. We waited. Then up they went... hundreds of them!!! The problem was they were at the far end of the weedy field (c80yds) and could only be seen in flight. My limited time window was diminishing. A plane appeared in the distance and was obviously coming into land? As it went over the field the whole flock took off and flew past our unbelievable flash of colour. There were hundreds!

Some of you will be familiar with this spectacular spectacle and you may have seen it here? I've had the pleasure on a few occasions but it's still VERY special. Fortunately a few landed around the car allowing me to get the photos I'd hoped for. None better than this...

We drove to Limassol arriving at the Mall on 11. I dropped her off and continued to Larnaca. I had 5 hours. An hour each way left me 3. My target was the wintering Slavonian Grebe which would be a Cyprus Tick. It was seen on Tuesday by Jane, so I reckoned my chances were good? Firstly though I needed coffee and apple pie, so I headed for the Oroklini Bakery. Zorbas...what a surprise! Highly recommended.

I took it down to the Marsh car park to enjoy, the headed up the steps to the Hide. I estimated a 20 minute watch, as my main priority was the WTP for the Grebe. The water level was higher than I ever remember and there were large numbers of Duck present, especially Shoveler, of which there were hundreds. I started to see Red-crested Pochards...

By the time I left I'd seen at least 8 Drakes and a couple of Females. A male Marsh Harrier quartered the Reserve...

Oroklini Marsh is right by a road but the Birds don't seem to mind! It's a great spot but the Hide does face South. I also saw a couple of Ferruginous Ducks at the far end. Pintail...

and Gadwall were Trip Ticks as was Black-necked Grebe, Little Grebe and Coot. A Cetti's Warbler scratching away in the reeds was yet another addition. Very enjoyable if brief. Time to go.

I drove around the Larnaca by-pass and 30 minutes later I'd reached the Sewage Works Hide. It was cool...and I'd left my Fleece in the apartment (schoolboy error). Still, living at Holmpton on the North Sea this was still a nice day!

I started to scan and eventually picked out the Star Bird, albeit distantly, with my 'scope. This was my 224th Species for the Island. The only other thing of note was the presence of a couple of Red-rumped Swallows resting on the causeway giving stunning views...

A nice comparison

Surprisingly (or not) NO Flamingoes were seen. Could have been something to do with the 13c North Wind!

Trip Total - 67 Species

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Cyprus 25 - Day 4

Stormy weather today, more like England! Have to say...quiet...very quiet. Still, that's how it goes. There's always something to look at or try for though.

The Day started promisingly with a report of a Rose-coloured Starling at Mandria. That was enough to set the wheels in motion. I left around 8 and headed down the Motorway the short distance to the junction. Then, a phone call from Ian Bloomer. We'd arranged to borrow a couple of folding chairs and a cool box off them. After sorting out the directions I arrived in Anarita around 8.30. It was great to see him and his wife Kate again and we chatted a while before they had to go.

I carried on to Mandria and messaged the Birder who'd reported the RCS. Turned out it was the same chap I'd given directions to for the Finsch's Wheatear! The Birding World is small. He told me it was an immature Bird and he hadn't seen it again. I headed for Anarita Park.

I drove the tracks slowly as the weather closed in. I saw my first Great Tit but couldn't locate any Little Owls at a couple of regular spots. I then scanned the hillside by the Goat Farm. Bingo...

Female Blue Rock Thrush

I'd seen a male in the same area last Year!

It started to rain heavily so I returned to base. After a visit to Lidl I asked  Louise if she wanted to go out, although I already knew the answer! It was still raining but I had a drive down to the Stone Curlew Site to see if Birds were still in residence...

A remarkable situation in that a small field surrounded by human habitation can host a decent number of these remarkable Birds! The camouflage was impressive and they would easily be overlooked...

Really chuffed to connect with these elusive Birds.

It was now time for my first visit to Agia Varvara, a popular spot with Birders both resident and visiting. I had a drive round and noticed the landscape had changed somewhat from my last visit. I was VERY pleased to see I could drive the car along the sides of the pools, allowing me views I didn't think I was going to get this Year...

The rain had brought large numbers of Swallows down and I was pleased to pick out a Sand Martin. I also added Moorhen and Sedge Warbler. This Site is good for Crakes but I didn't see any on this visit. I will return!

As I was leaving I saw a couple of fast disappearing Chukars...

A through the Windscreen job

I also passed a field that was covered in White Wagtails (c100)...

I also had a brief view of a Serin.

Then a message...

600+ Yellow Wagtails at Mandria!!!

It was now approaching 5.30 but I wasn't far away, so I gave it a go. I didn't see any!?

I AM making the Trip to Larnaca tomorrow regardless of the weather...after dropping Louise off at the Limassol Mall of course!

Trip Total - 50 Species

Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Cyprus 25 - Day 3

I was tempted back up to Kidasi this morning (out of curiosity more than anything else). OK...and to see if I could get some more pics! I arrived at 8.30...

A sunny 20c on arrival with a gentle breeze. Not a soul in sight. Bliss...

I positioned the car near to the distinctive rock and waited...

I also scanned the whole area where I had seen the Birds yesterday. After around an hour I wasn't alone...

I gave it 2.5 hours but there was no sign of the Finsch's Wheatears...or anything else come to that...except the Jackdaws and Magpies of course! No made yesterday even more special!! On my way back I tried a Site near a Paphos tourist area where Dan Pointon (you may know the name) had seen a large number of Stone Curlews a few weeks ago. Ebird took me right to the spot and I found half-a dozen in a brief scan. I didn't tackle the rough ground in my present state, so I was pleased to get any pics at all ...

Dan had seen 26!

After lunch I dropped Louise off for some retail therapy and headed for Paphos WTP. On arrival I was disappointed to see the field next to it had been heavily ploughed with large clods of earth across the entire field. I was going to move on but decided to scan anyway. Glad I did as eventually I found what I was looking for...

There were 3 Birds present but they were distant and the light was dazzling. Still I'd seen the some. I moved along the road past the main buildings glancing both ways as I went. They can often be seen on the filter beds (aesthetically unpleasing) but I couldn't see any today. As i was leaving I glanced to my left and there was a short area of grassland being unintentionally sprinkled by a vacated tractor...

That's better!

Another adjacent area of water meadow held a Ruff...

...and 3 Green Sandpipers.

This spot will definitely require further visits.

I moved onto Mandria while I waited for the good lady's text! It was quiet...very quiet. In fact, I couldn't find a single Wheatear along the front, which has never happened before!? I did add Shag on the rocks just offshore...

I drove a few of the Farm Tracks and came across my first Greater Short-toed Larks (5)...

I returned to the front for another run and this time there were 3 Northern Wheatears...

A message on the WhatsApp this morning from Jane Stylianou informed me that the Slavonian Grebe is still present on Larnaca WTP Another lingering Winter Visitor and potential Cyprus Tick!? Guess where I'm heading tomorrow?!
Trip Total - 41 Species

Monday, 17 March 2025

Cyprus 25 - Day 2

Head for the Hills..or Mountain to be more precise! The Troodos range covers most of Western Cyprus and peaks with Mount Olympus at 1,952 meters...or 6,437 feet in old money. It was another relatively hot day in Paphos and we left relatively early for Kidasi where a VERY special Target Bird was hopefully lingering. It's a Winter visitor to Cyprus and departs around this time. I first saw this Species here 10 years ago during a one week December visit. I joined the Bird Group which included Ian and Kate Bloomer and we headed for the Valley I was to visit this morning. I must have treid at least 6 times since at various spots including here without success. My hopes weren't high today as the high temperatures could possibly have made them moe on...if they were there at all!?

We stopped off at the traditional Extreme View Cafe for a coffee and probably the earliest piece of Cheesecake I'd ever had. Very nice though! We arrived at the Valley around 10 and started to drive the decent track up the Valley. Memories came flooding back from previous visits and we parked the car at the top end to enjoy the view. I started to scan and Louise started to do her puzzles. For the unfamiliar this is a striking black and white Wheatear with white stretching down its back.

Nothing much was seen except for the local Jackdaw flock. I kept scanning the isolated rocks, posts and path. It wasn't looking good...until...a flask of Black and White through the windscreen. Could it be...or was it a "fresh in" Cyprus Wheatear? I then noticed the white back. YES!!!

Of course, the Bird flew waaay down the Valley before I could prize myself out of the car! I waited...and Louise puzzled. 30 minutes passed with no further sign. Then...there it was perched on a rock some 70 yards away...

Stunner in the Sun

A special moment indeed!

The Bird was active and wide ranging but I managed a few more images in the next 45 minutes before we headed for Troodos...

Job done.

We arrived at Troodos after a brief visit to the Platres Trout Farm to try for Grey Wagtail...

and Wren for the Trip List. As we approached the Site I saw a "fresh in" Cyprus Wheatear on the road.

It was lunch time in the Ben Nevis Cafe where I had a late Breakfast and Louise had Apple Pie!! The afternoon session was fairly quiet but somehow it didn't matter after the elation of the morning. I added Coal Tit, Jay, Hoopoe (a surprise to me)...

In deep shade

...Blackbird and Common Swift (c30). I tried to turn one/some into Pallid...but I couldn't! There was no sign of any House or Crag Martins at the Mine Overlook to the East of Troodos.

Trip Total - 32 Species