Friday 3 May 2024

What a Hobby!

Arrived at NDC at 10. I reckoned it was the best place to be considering the forecast. As usual it was inaccurate and the rain didn't arrive till 1. No matter, I had an excellent 4 hour session shared with Haydn and Tim Jones. Quality company.

The undoubted highlight was the late appearance of a Hobby (D.82) over the scrape. Always special and it gave great views taking Mayflies in the rain. A few of my soft focus specials!

A Sparrowhawk lingered for quite a while...

Other highlights were...
Arctic Tern
Common Tern (D.83)
Black-tailed Godwit 3
Little Egret 7

Forecast better here tomorrow. I may pop down the road...if the Collared Flycatcher is still present?

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