Wednesday 13 October 2021


No we haven't had's just my nickname for our new star visitor. I started off at Cliff Farm but the PFG were close to the path so I decided on Snakey for our walk. Glad I did, as I hadn't gone far at all when I noticed a white shape in the hedge. The light was poor but it stood out like a sore thumb...

...outlandish thoughts of Rough-legged Buzzard were soon put to bed but nonetheless it was a striking pale Buzzard. It then flew futher down the hedge exhibiting a white rump...

It settled on the hedge...

...and remained there for some time as we walked along the roadside verge...

After returning to the car I drove to the pull-in and hoped it might come closer. Eventually it did...

I can't remember seeing a whiter example than this? Mid-afternoon I had another look for it and found it being pestered by two Crows (not a fan). It remained tolerant for a while before flying off to a nearby telegraph pole...

After packing I took Bud out just before dusk. I wanted to check the PFG flock before I leave tomorrow. I estimated the number to have grown to 600+! I couldn't find any with white foreheads. On the way home I had one last look for the Blizzard. It was still present on another telegraph pole amongst a large flock of Wood Pigeons. As I turned the car around to head home the bird took flight and fortunately landed in a ploughed field. The light had "gone" but it was still a magic moment...

Tomorrow we head SW...

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