Saturday 21 November 2020

Iceland Gull - Spurn Tick (312)

This morning's Seawatch was abandoned post-haste when at 9.20 my phone alerted me to the presence of an Iceland Gull on Kilnsea Wetlands! A potential Spurn addition in the offing. News gets out QUICK down the road and is much appreciated. 

No problem making the short trip and I was soon gathering my stuff in the car park and making my way down the path towards the hide. I could see the group of Gulls at the eastern end of the reserve, so I made my way down to the viewing screen and joined the two Birders that were already present. I was given the great news that the "bird was still present"! Frustratingly it was tucked away at the back of the group...

The bird was preening and didn't seem settled. Sure enough, after around 5 minutes it took off...

Iceland Gull (P.148, S.80)

The "white-winger" headed over the floodbank towards Beacon Ponds still standing out like a sore thumb! It circled a couple of times and then fortunately returned to "the Wetlands"...

A long overdue addition, although again, now I have more free time I guess I'm inevitably going to connect more...what a shame! I've earned it lol!

A lovely bonus was this close Red-breasted Merganser (P.149, S.80) in the nearest channel to the screen...

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