Tuesday 30 June 2020

RFF 2&3

I thought I'd pop a few thoughts down while I wait for the bird to fly...hopefully?

I came down at dawn (I know...unusual) but wasn't rewarded for my "effort" in 3 hours!

After a kip and a trip to Tesco I returned early afternoon. Nice to meet up with Phil and his lady friend who'd popped over the bridge for a look.

This time the bird was on show, albeit distantly...

 Handheld phonescope at 100yds

Maybe I can add something else later?

I can!

After a futher two hours of watching the bird resting in the tree...

...there was a kerfuffle as the small group of patient admirers started to disperse towards the ploughed field. I drove up the road passing the group and parked on the wide verge at what I considered a reasonable distance (c50yds). The bird was sat in the field. The group then reached my car with some passing it. Guess what...the bird flew off. I then heard some chunnering about my car from people well beyond it!

As said recently...opinions eh..

Anyway here's the ground shot that I managed before its untimely departure...

A lovely bird and my favourite plumage for this species.

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