
Saturday 18 May 2024

Garganey - Icon of the Reserve

Alas, it is but a small window of opportunity, hence my concentrated visits of late. A combination of  emergent vegetation and receding water makes for difficult viewing. So, a final weekday effort was made yesterday...11 till 2 as I had to go to Hull anyway for the lads tripe!

The whole session was spent in Garganey Hide...

We were undisturbed throughout. He's been coming here since he was a pup...

Steady away today. I had a few flight views and spotted a couple around the "Bund"...

I also had a few distant flight views...very distinctive.

Fortunately...I also went on Thursday...and it was MUCH more productive!

I arrived at 11.30 and this time I started in the Geoff Smith Hide. Almost immediately I picked up a couple of Hobbies feeding along the River. Down at Garganey Hide I finally saw the Reed Bunting that had only been heard on previous visits...

Gadwall were still well represented with c60 Birds still present...

Pochard are still present with 4 Drakes and a female lingering...

Fully aware of limited opportunities now, I enjoy "picking them out" when possible. 

The fact that I'd actually seen 5 Drake Garganey on Tuesday obviously raised my hopes of further views! The ditch in front of the Hide would be handy?


Would it come closer? Oh Yes...

Granted I'd put some time in, as I am able these days (I've earned it lol!) and it was paying off...

Come on down!

A turn...

...and then away he went...

An absolute privilege to witness this superb "Summer" Duck at such close quarters on my Old Patch. Never say never BUT I doubt I'll witness this week's spectacle again?

Just one more...

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