
Sunday 19 May 2024

No Fret?

It continues. Spring is slipping away and we STILL have Northerlies here... coming over a cold sea, there can only be one outcome.

It hasn't stopped another American passerine turning up on the NE coast, this time at Whitburn, Co Durham. A first summer male INDIGO BUNTING is frequenting a bird table and surrounds in a residential area. 

Amazingly, through fortunate circumstances and a touch of strategy, I've seen 2 of the 3 Birds accepted in Britain...

Ramsey Island, Wales 21/10/95
St Agnes, IOS 25/10/20 

Both these Birds were first winter, the Whitburn bird is a tad brighter. Some initial scepticism seems to have evaporated. I haven't travelled due to factors already mentioned plus the Weekend. I may make the journey this week if it lingers. It was more mobile but elusive today.

A major influx of Red-backed Shrikes has occured. Alas, I can't find one here. Still time though...

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