
Wednesday 15 May 2024

A "Flock" of Garganey!

Early post this morning as the Weather is poor. So, I thought I'd share my rather spiffing visit to Duff yesterday afternoon/evening.

Just to mention I had my FOY Yellow Wagtails (P.94, H.77) on the Bud walk (in the rain of course) before we set off...

Yet another "Snakey special"

Stuart Rapson posted on Twitter that he'd had THREE Drake Garganey from the Geoff Smith Hide!!! I had to take Louise into Hull to pick her car up, so it seemed a natural thing to do to carry on to NDC! I arrived at 3 and headed straight to the Hide. I started to scan and noticed that the water level had dropped significantly BUT thankfully, there was still plenty of open water visible...far more than usual for this date.

After around 15 minutes I found a couple (94). They were mobile and elusive through the emergent vegetation...

My first for SIX years!!!

Great to see them again, back where they belong. As we know every Year is different, which adds to the mystique of our wonderful pastime.

The 2 Hobbies were still feeding on Mayflies along the River, which is another VERY special event not to be downgraded. It was great to see a few Swifts low over the water brought down by the inclement weather. Then...a Cuckoo (95) called, not seen...but still special. A flock of 7 Ringed Plover flew off high East...a big surprise! Grebes are still represented, with 4 Little and 4 Great Crested still least! One of the Little pair are attempting their 4th nest build on the scrape.

Then a large slice of luck...a lone Duck approached from the West, it could only be one Species...fortunately it landed on the scrape briefly...


Elaine arrived with a friend just in time to get a glimpse before it departed. Just the tonic for a dull, wet day. After chatting for a while, in which time I spotted a "resident" Whooper Swan (apparently there are a few around which haven't migrated for whatever reason) I made my way down to Garganey seemed the logical thing to do!

A Sedge Warbler was singing on arrival but was difficult to see through the bushes...

Eventually, he gave himself away...

I was now hoping for a better view of the Star Bird/s...

A couple of House Martins (96) fed over the water. A male Gadwall fed close...

Subtly stunning

Then, it appeared in the ditch...

...and promptly...disappeared!

Then one to the left...

A different Bird? I'm extremely wary of over-counting but I was sure the answer was yes on this occasion. 5 had been reported earlier but would I see once? I got my answer!!!!

This sight has to be "right up there" in my experiences at Duff over the Years (37). To see FIVE Drakes together on the recently exposed "Bund" was a dream...yet reality. Timing. Had to be Birds fresh in and resting IMHO. I dare to suggest there can't be many occasions when this has happened in Yorks? The next hour was bliss as I enjoyed "crippling views" at close range from the aptly named (by Elaine) Garganey Hide...

A scale view for posterity!

I messaged Tim Dixon (Hi Tim) who informed me he was instrumental in the construction of the Hide...he was mildly envious! The Birds toured all sides of the Hide. I've never had such prolonged close views of this Species and to get them on my Patch...well!

An initial BOC...

An occasion to be savoured...


This morning I had a couple of late Red-throated Divers at the end of Seaside...

...and my FOY Gannet (77)!

Don't tell anyone...

Watching my back

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