
Saturday 11 May 2024


It was time for an evening visit to NDC yesterday on the strength of 2 sightings of Cattle Egret...another Species on the "possible addition" short-list! Sightings are becoming more frequent in the Valley these days, as are Great White Egret (one was present on arrival)...always special in my book. More breeding ...more records!

A detour was taken en route due to the presence of a pair of stunning White-winged Black Terns at North Cave Wetlands. Many years since I'd visited this Site...I remember when it was first created! It was understandably busy on arrival, I found a parking space then realized I needed to be further down the track. As I reversed, a car came hurtling down the track sounding its horn and sending clouds of dust into the air, covering anyone in range. Disappointing.

Having reached the end of the track I parked up  and joined the thankfully small group scanning the pool. The Birds weren't present but eventually showed for some time at c200 yds...

A good decision

It reminded me of the superb close views I had of one at Kilnsea Wetlands; June 17.

Anyway, I eventualy arrived at NDC at 3 and left at 8. No luck with the potential addition but a wonderful relaxed experience in sublime conditions...

The aforementioned Great White Egret was present throughout although it did roam the reserve...

The Bird looked stunning in its breeding finery...

A pair of Common Terns patrolled the River...

Great to see a Greylag creche in the bottom corner...

A couple of Hobbies appeared briefly again over the River. A distant image of a feeding Bird...

The Pochard "flock" remain around the "scrape". 7 Drakes and 2 Females present...VERY unusual at this "late" date...lovin' the close views...

I sneaked another Year tick as 8 Ringed Plover (89) did a circuit.

So, no CE...but it's only a matter of time...

You may have heard about the Aurora?!!! I had a peep out around 11 and WOW...

It helped that we don't have street lights in our little Village. Standing on our doorstep watching this will live long in the memory!!!


This morning I was driving along Snakey to Patrington when I checked out the "drying scrape". I'd had high hopes for this spot, as it's VERY unusual to have standing water here in May. AT LAST I was rewarded for my constant checking. 4 Birds present...Oystercatcher, Turnstone...and 2 Little Ringed Plovers.

Difficult through the fret (yet another) BUT you can see the leg colour and white behind the "headband"...

Landmark moment

A passing Buzzard meant their stay was brief, underlining the need to check as regularly as possible! 

My 196th Species for my Village. Marvelous! 4 to go...

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