
Monday 29 April 2024


Three "incidental" records today. Firstly, 5 Shelduck on Snakey (a record count for this location) as I took the old girl (the V70 that is) for her MOT. . Thankfully she passed with flying colours, which was a BIG relief after recent expenditure.

On the return leg a superb male Marsh Harrier (H.70), also along Snakey on the North side.

Last and certainly not least a SPOONBILL (H.71) SW over Seaside Lane on the afternoon Dog Walk. No pics but three significant sightings...especially the last one...which was my 195th Species for the Village.

Update: I was thinking it was the Flamborough Bird BUT that's still in the area this evening. News has just broken that another flew South from Hornsea earlier which would almost certainly be "my" Bird.

You never know...


  1. Not sure whether to be more pleased for you for the car or forthe Spoonbill!
