
Tuesday 30 April 2024

First Day of Spring?

Well it felt like it!

I'd just settled down in the Geoff Smith Hide (Lesser Whitethroat in the car park) when I received a report of a Little Tern at Bank Island. This would be a York Area Tick? I arrived some 15 minutes later and made my way up onto the Platform only to find Andy Holden and his wife Vicky in situ. Keen Twitchers and Scilly stalwarts. A nice surprise. We had a good chat for a good Hour whilst scanning for the LT. No sign unfortunately but a Hobby...

and a Garganey were adequate compensation. We returned to the car park, I wished them well and headed back to Duff. I had a couple of Hours but nothing of note was seen. The Little Grebe nest has thankfully survived yet another rise in water level...

After the Tesco pit stop I called in at the Sewage. First visit for quite a while due to grim weather and difficult access. I pulled up and had a scan out to sea. I managed to pick up 3 Shovelers (H.72) heading South. I checked the clifftop but couldn't see anything. Then...something...EIGHT in fact...Wheatears...

Here's three

The Birds were all in front of the car, so I was viewing through the windscreen. They were in a tight group, very least to me! They disappeared as quickly as they had arrived. It was all over in a couple of minutes. Plenty around along the Coast, maybe held back by the prolonged Northerlies...which return tomorrow! It was nice while it lasted...

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