
Saturday 27 April 2024

Swift addition

3 hours at Duff on Wednesday 11 till 3. Been busy last couple of days!

Superb start with my joint earliest British Swift (78). It WAS my earliest for NDC. Chuffed. No doubt brought down by a sudden squall on arrival.

A pair of Scoter were still dozing out in the middle. Great to see the Little Grebes taking turns on the nest. Still enjoying close views of the drake Pochards (7) on the scrape; a lone female joined them and was quite popular!

c40 Black -tailed Godwits were still around accompanied by 8 Ruff. Then...a Merlin (79)!!! A BIG surprise and enthusiastically accepted !

Another year addition came in the form of a couple of Lesser Black-backed Gulls (80) at the North end...

My first Swallows (81) definitely didn't make a summer!

Half a dozen Little Egrets were present but no sign of Tuesday's Cattle... unfortunately!

It must warm up soon, mustn't it?

NDC 81

Swallow (68) and House Martin (69) have arrived in the Village. I'm sure Sand Martins have at Old Hive...but I haven't been down there yet!

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