
Saturday 13 April 2024


I always find it difficult to re-adjust after a Trip. It's like post Christmas when you've opened all your presents! The British climate doesn't help!!

A combination of weariness and poor weather has meant a slow re-introducion to British Birding. I had a ride over to Duff yesterday via Skipwith Common to see Haydn. We had a stroll around and a good "catch up"but didn't see much.

We checked out the platform and both hides at NDC in pleasant conditions. I was amazed how high the water level was...maybe I shouldn't have been! At least we could get into Garganey Hide. BIG surprise was a brief Arctic Tern which drifted across the reserve and disappeared South all in the space of  a couple of minutes! Only my 3rd record. We also had a drake Scaup, 2 Goldeneye, 4 Shelduck, 4 Pochard, 2 Oystercatcher, 2 Redshank, 2 Little Egrets, cc Marsh Harrier and a Red Kite.

We bumped into Elaine and John Heaton also. It was good to see them both again. 

Good to get "back in the saddle" again.

NDC - 72 Species


This morning I had a stroll down the reconstructed Runnel, on the strength of news from down the road that an influx of Wheatears had occurred. I managed a distant, brief, very fine male. A singing Willow Warbler in the hedge was unusual but welcome. A pair of Yellowhammers close by reminded me of "home"...

Holmpton - 57 Species

A few final thoughts on Cyprus 24...tomorrow...

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