
Tuesday 9 April 2024

Cyprus 24 - Reflections (3)

A couple more Posts on my Trip. We don't want too many "Reflections" we?

Time to cut to the "nitty gritty". My best Sightings and Moments. I've finished editing my pics, so I'll "flower" this one up with a few images (of varying quality!) were appropriate. I will post a full List in the next Post...for the Record.

WHITE-THROATED KINGFISHER - no doubt the greatest thrill of the Trip was connecting with this Island MEGA. Worth a repeat I feel...

ASIAN DESERT WARBLER - Missed the first, got the second! A different image...

CITRINE WAGTAIL - with help from Peter Wragg and Google Maps!
LESSER SAND PLOVER - time will tell?
Red-crested Pochard - memorable views at Oroklini Lake...

Black Francolin...a common if elusive Species on the Island. Heard far more than seen. To photograph two males together at Mandria was both unusual and very special for me...

Greater Flamingo...Only seen in the East this Year...always special...

Great Spotted Cuckoo -
always on the most "wanted list". Again heard far more than seen, I had several flight views at various locations and managed to "catch" a pair at Kivilisi while searching for Lesser Kestrels....

Greater Sand Plover - a couple of beauties on the Headland at Paphos. A wintering Species and passage Birds do occur...

Slender-billed Gull - plenty seen around Larnaca Salt Lake but difficult to photograph due to distance, approachability and heat haze...

Audouin's Gull - more Larid royalty. I got lucky when I tried a Beach at Oroklini. Very satisfying...

Pallas's Gull - a long anticipated addition. Pleased to "find my own".
Long-legged Buzzard - a couple of connections at Kidasi and Theletra...

Lesser Kestrel -  a couple of visits to Kivilisi proved successful...

Short-eared Owl - to see one drifting over the Beach Bar at Mandria (Louise present of course) late afternoon while photographing Wheatears, was truly a surreal moment...

Red-rumped Swallow
- great views at Nata Ford...

Masked Shrike
- Seen at the Archaeological Site and Troodos. A good Year for me, seeing at least 8 Birds...

Red-throated Pipit
...Spent a fabulous hour watching this Bird feeding unconcerned, at almost point blank range along the Coastal footpath at Paphos...

Calandra Lark - At least 4 Birds seen well displaying at Perivolia...

Cyprus Warbler - I really enjoyed my morning at Mavrokolympos Dam, finding and finally photographing this Species, which isn't that common in the West of the Island...

Spectacled Warbler - a tiny, local and elusive Warbler...

Ruppell's Warbler - I always try hard to see this stunner...this one popped up out of nowhere at Meneou Pools, Larnaca while I was photographing Flamingoes...

Common Redstart - superb close views in the sunshine early in the Trip...

Rock Thrush - A amazing experience just 5 minutes from our apartment. My second visit late afternoon will linger long in the memory, as I watched the Bird alone as the sun set...

Blue Rock Thrush - my only sighting was on the AS...

Eastern Black-eared Wheatear...a stunner on the Archaeological Site...

Cretzschmar's Bunting... a scattering seen at various locations...

Thinking that just about covers my memorable moments. Hope you enjoyed the Post and maybe you found something useful if you're planning a visit yourself in the future?

I'll do a final Post soon with a few more "reflections" once I've figured out what some of my "other" photos are!

Stay tuned...

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