
Saturday 20 April 2024


Yet another brutal day on the Coast yesterday (and today) had me heading inland to NDC to meet Haydn at 10.

The plan wasn't looking to clever as the temperature dropped from 12 to 7 in a squall between Howden and Bubwith!

Fortunately it passed, allowing me to make my way to the Geoff Smith Hide. It was pleasing to see Barry Bishop and Stuart Rapson already "in situ". They informed me a Barnacle Goose (73) was present. Always contentious but happy to take it as a Year Tick.

Haydn arrived to make a welcome foursome.

A Sedge Warbler (74) struck up. A nice group of 7 drake Pochards on the flooded scrape was very unusual, giving superb close views...

Missed One!

Conditions were still "challenging" with a strong NW wind in our faces. The sky did clear giving us a blue sky at least. A few Sand Martins (75) battled North. I was pleased to pick out a small flock of 17 Black-tailed Godwits (76) arrowing West then North over the River. 

Jono Ledley arrived with his group, after a few words they headed down to Garganey Hide. It was pleasing to see the Little Grebes had built a new nest despite the changing water levels. Tough stuff. We swapped Hides later but nothing more of significance was seen. A Coot almost entered the Hide...

After lunch at Mr C's I decided on a whim to head for Wheldrake Ings, tempted by the sp Slavonian Grebe. I rarely get "up North" these days as I'm Site paranoid lol! I always wonder what I'm missing at Duff? The sky was clear but the wind was still strong. After a few issues I made the car park and started the walk to Tower Hide. Many memories of earlier days came flooding back. I first came here in 1986 after moving to Wilberfoss from Scunthorpe. The old Tower Hide was still going then...just...complete with swaying and creaking in the wind! Good times Tim.

As I entered the Hide I saw Jono Ledley and his group again heading down towards the Refuge. Once in the Hide I started to scan the still extensive flood. A decent flock of Black-tailed Godwits (c40) was present, hiding in the emerging grass. I couldn't locate "the Grebe" so I gave Johnno a ring. He said it was showing behind the "Cormorant hedge" further South. I stayed in Tower for a while hoping it would show but there was still no sign, so I walked down to the screen.

A Birder called Keith was present and after a chat we were both looking at the little jewel, at some distance...unfortunately. Still I'd seen it and it looked VERY smart through the 'scope. A rare opportunity to see this Species, in this this AREA!!!

More memories as I made my way back to the car. The path was mud when I used to tread this way...

Luxury these days!

A new bridge also...

Time to head home...but I will return...

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