
Thursday 2 May 2024


"The Oriole" tempted me down the road for a second time this morning. I started around the canal as the Bird had been reported there. No sign but I did spot Frank Moffat for a "Year Tick". We had a good "catch up" before I headed for Sammy's Point.

Once there, I had an enjoyable stroll with Bud from the car park towards Kilnsea...

Conditions underfoot were still a tad dodgy, as you can see! I checked out the paddocks but it was initially quiet...

The Golden Oriole male had been seen in this area yesterday. This arae has always been one of my favourite sites in the Spurn Area.

I then spotted a familiar silhouette out on the mud...

The ID was backed up by the familiar seven note call. Fortunately the Bird flew over the path and landed in the Paddock...

Great to see this Species so well. It even perched on the fence!

Scanning further down the Paddocks I picked up a surprise...

Luckily it landed briefly on a post...

A Little Egret posed well on the way back along Humberside Lane...

A nice change of scene...

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