
Friday 5 April 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 21

A touch of retrospective Blogging due to technical issues!

Wednesday morning I started at Agia Varvara...

I checked out three sets of three pools BUT I couldn't find a Crake of any description in 2 hours. A total failure! In my defence, conditions weren't favourable with either too much water or too much vegetation. I did have great views of a couple of Alpine Swifts coming down to drink. Snipe...

and Sedge Warbler were also seen.

Late morning was spent on the Archaeological Site trying to photograph female Wheatears. More on that later.

The afternoon was spent in the Androlikou area, a lovely spot, if a little difficult to access! No luck with the target ficedula Flycatchers unfortunately, still it was a lovely afternoon. It was nice to get good views of Serin...eventually...

Dusk was spent at a Cyprus Scops Owl Site North of Paphos but the Owls never played ball this Year.

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