
Friday 5 April 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 22

Sadly our final day. We'd had a good run though!

The previous evening had been spent with Ian and Kate Bloomer. Ian mentioned a controversial Sand Plover had been seen on the Headland? Remember I didn't have access to news anymore due to my phone "dying"! Fortunately the Bird was still present and I had good views through my 'scope but didn't join the closer admirers. We'll see what comes out "in the wash".

My final tick came in the form of a Kingfisher at the M1 Pools West of Akrotiri. I'd bumped into a chap called Keith the previous day at Kensington Cliffs when dipping the Vultures. Bit of a character who told me some interesting yarns! He told  me he'd been again this morning and didn't see any. He'd been coming to Cyprus for many Years and had point blank views of them some Years ago!! I was hoping for a late addition or two with maybe a Crake or Squacco Heron. He told me he'd seen the Kingfisher on the middle pool, so I decided to wait with him for a while longer. After another 15 minutes I picked it up on the far side of the pool...

We shared the moment then Keith left for Akrotiri. I wished him well for the rest of his Trip. The Kingfisher had disappeared but I waited a while longer. He mentioned that he'd seen it earlier in a bush by the path we were watching from. I looked into the bush with my "Bins" and there it was, some 5 yards away!

The Bird fished off the branch totally unconcerned by my presence...

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